25 Years anniversary

our legal framework for your security

Reputation, trust and responsibility


Martellus Capital AG is a FINMA-licensed asset manager in accordance with Art. 2 para. 1 FinIA and meets the requirements of the Federal Act of 15 June 2018 on Financial Services (Financial Services Act, FinSA; SR 950.1). In addition, Martellus Capital AG is affiliated with Ombud Finance Switzerland (OFS), 16 Boulevard des Tranchées, 1206 Geneva, is supervised by the supervisory organisation of AOOS - Schweizerische Aktiengesellschaft für Aufsicht and is a member of the Swiss Association of Asset Managers (SAAM).


Informations selon LSFin

Informationen nach FIDLEG Download Word-Dokumentde
Information according to the FinSADownload Word-Documenten
Informations selon LSFinDownload Document Wordfr
Informazioni secondo FIDLEGDownload Documento Worden
Informações de acordo com a FIDLEGDownload Documento Worden

Risques liés au négoce d'instruments financiers

Risiken im Handel mit FinanzinstrumentenDownload PDFde
Risks in trading with financial instrumentsDownload PDFen
Risques liés au négoce d'instruments financiersDownload PDFfr
Rischi nella negoziazione di strumenti finanziariDownload PDFit
Riscos na negociação com instrumentos financeirosDownload PDFen
